Tuesday, July 3, 2012


[JON BO PART 1] I jumped of a canyon with no parachute. I had no choice at that point. Well, of course I had a choice. Its just jumping of a canyon was the better choice. So that basically tells you how bad the situation was. Seconds after my leap, a helicopter flew nosily overhead so close to the cliff it could have been a car with rotors rather than an deadly war machine. But the helicopter in pursuit of me was not my worst worry. Nor was the fact that my face felt like peeling off as I sped down over most likely 500yd with no control and no BASE jumping equpment. My problem was how long until the bomb chained to my leg would last until it exploded my into pieces. I managed to look down and not throw up. At least at the bottom of this was a river so I would have a chance of surviving. Seeing the water I streamlined myself and braced myself for impact. I started counting down...5,4,3, SPLOASH!Apparently I miscounted since at 3 my body sunk under the surprisingly warm water. I bubbled to the surface to see that the helicopter was descending towards me. I swam away in escape but it was usless. The helicopter simply chased be until someone leaned out of the now open door and shot some strange net that caught my foot. I felt a tugging sensation on my foot and realized I was being reeled in. At the same time the bomb on my foot started to tick faster. I was in trouble. Alot of trouble.

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