Friday, August 10, 2012

Chapter 5

A place of complete horror like this was strangely calm. There were no sudden screams or any huge security measures that anyone could notice. No huge fences or armed forces. Out of the survivors, one lived in my town who refused to speak of this place. This place was known for its deaths and cruelty. I looked around and went back to my room, to only discover that the bedroom was swapped for a gym filled with people with wearing martial arts uniforms also known as a Gi. There was some music in the background meant for cheering up most people in their workout, but here, nobody looked happy or energized. They all had the same burn mark on their leg just like mine. The device that I had  thought was a bomb was actually a marker. Kind of like how slavers put iron collars on their slaves. The LAMPS made the targets think it was a bomb and put a timer on it. The must have given a tiny shock every time the timer ticked. Nobody even noticed me when I walked in.  I walked straight to the door and went in to the next room. It was a cafeteria. Again nobody seemed to notice me. I looked down and saw that I had no body. Or at least no visible body. I looked for my hands. Same issue. I felt my back for anything that could be keeping me invisible like a cloaking device or a stealth suit which was the most popular way of cloaking. No, my problem was different. Mine did not include technology. I had become a ghost.
 Becoming a ghost can really mess up your day. Not that I had a great day. When your a ghost nobody sees you or can hear you. They can walk right through you unless you focus enough to be solid. So here I am trying to keep myself from floating away in ghost form when I hit something with my arm. I turned around and saw another ghost. He turned around too, just as surprised that there was another ghost. 
"Hello" he said.
"Do you know how you became a ghost?" he asked.
I thought about it for a moment and realized that I didn't know how I became a ghost.
I shook my head to reply no. So it turns out that I didn't know where I was or how I became a ghost. Not how I planned my Friday to go.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chapter 4

I woke up what must be a couple hours later in a well lit room. I was lying on a very comfortable bed. The bedsheets were made of feathers. That was strange. When the LAMPS took over they forced all the feathered material to be abducted. So this place was not exactly okay with the LAMPS, I thought. Then I noticed the emblem on the wall. It was a map of the world on a grid with a line of feathers on fire on either side of the map. I know,not exactly the traditional icon but this group got a serious makeover. I got up and walked out the door. There I found a window the size of a car. I looked down and saw a canyon streching out. I was in the last United Nations complex, an alliance long defeated. I in other words was now in the worst place you could be: I was in the Grave. This is an execution center where there where Red Widow planes with 90% stealth circled with Bisnovat missles and 400m Hades guns. There in the stadium in the middle was a laser. The ones captured would try to kill eachother until one bell rang or one player won. At the end of the bell if one player did not die yet. Both of them got shot by the laser. The winner goes to the next round. The final prize was freedom. Everyone knew the rules. Because everyone sometime or another had to play. Now was my turn.